Tuesday, September 11, 2007

On Being Single.

I've not posted on this site before. So with a little thought, which is the way I like to think things through. I decided that this should be a good enough for people to get to know me. If not then I might need to consider thinking even less after all it seems that’s the way to do things. I hope you enjoy this and if you don’t rest assure the blogs will be better. Hopefully

On Being Single.

On the Plus Side I don't have to listen to anyone complain about everything I do. Even though I've been doing it with them time and time and time again!

On the down side I don't have anyone to talk to when I have a problem, or to hang out with when I'm feeling lonely.

On the plus side I can hang out with who ever I want, and play whatever game I Want! When I want!

On the down side the more I hang out with her the more likely that i'll be playing a even funner game!

On the plus side I'm free to spend my money on me and only me.

On the downside I'm the only one buying me snazzy gifts and I suck at buying gifts.

On the plus side I can look at whom ever I want whenever I want and not feel guilty.

On the downside I don't get to see a naked woman who's all mine to do with whatever I please.

On the plus side I just need to worry about myself.

On the downside sex is really one sided.

On the plus side I don't have someone asking me where I want to eat when they already know where they want to eat and will be all bitchy when I choose a place they don't like.

On the downside I hate eating alone.

On the plus side I have a reason to cry.

On the downside she'd have a reason to cry if she was with me (
le sigh)

On the plus side I can see whatever the hell movie I want! I'm talking fire, explosions, and fucking... (thought I'd add a noun there eh?)

On the downside going to the movies by yourself sure is lonely, and it's awkward when you try to get a handjob from the stranger next to you.

More to come…