Saturday, March 12, 2011

Foreign Health care is a Joke

Things in the United States are better than any place in the whole wide world. We got the best of everything.

We have the best women.

We have the best beer.

We have the best food.

We have the best cars!

You can’t beat America at most things especially at building big ass sandwiches.

You know its good when it has a pig head on top... just like momma used to make.

And you definitely can’t beat us at bombing some sorry ass country into the stone age.


However there is one thing about our country that people are always trying to change, to make better, despite the fact that it is completely awesome! Health care! While every other “1st World Country” has healthcare its important to note that ours easily kicks theirs in the ass.

Hope he's not on steroids.. that makes your... resolve smaller...

Those pussies in places like England, Canada, France, and yes even Australia have health care provided to them by their governments. Can you imagine? The most crooked people in the country providing healthcare.

In the United States qualified professionals handle health care.

American professionals working hard for Americans.

As we all know corporations are about helping people and being fair. Why else would we get health care from these organizations? Why else would we let them handle it for us? Its not like they are treating us like car insurance companies.

Because Health Insurance is about saving you not saving money.

They know how to do the job we all deserve and the best thing is they aren’t crooked as our cutthroat politicians.

Or as crooked as cutthroat pirates.

Everyone knows that our government ultimately is about serving its own needs; corporations aren’t like that at all. Corporations would never screw someone over to serve their own interest they are far to fair for that.

He really is sorry....

It’s interesting because in other countries the government is so lazy at handling health care they just let everyone have free health insurance!

All the countries in blue are to lazy to regulate health care, the countries in gray make sure people deserve it good hard working countries like United States, North Korea, India, Egypt, Kenya, Colombia etc..

Furthermore these governments let everyone get health care because they don’t care! They think if you pay your taxes you should get health care. Hell no! What a waste of taxes! Taxes should go towards things like…

Building roads

Whoops... can we get a redo?

Manufacturing weapons

The Worlds Only Responsible Weapons Manufacturer.

Paying our politicians

The upkeep isn't cheap...

And for bombing the shit outta countries.

When your really good at something its okay to mention it twice.

There are so many things that taxes are needed for. We would waste our tax money if instead of paying for all those wonderful things we paid for health care. This is why we should pay for health care with our own money. This is why the money needs to come out of our pocket. You see terrible things could happen like our country could end up owing other countries money.

I think the time is off on this clock, or at least I hope it is.

We need to use our taxes for important things and pay for health care ourselves and if you can’t afford health care maybe you should get a better job.

Or maybe get an early start cause shit ain't changing for a while... and that's the way we like it.